DeCastro v. Peter – Motion Hearing Set for Today

All eyes have turned to the motions hearing today in California Superior Court as a hearing is scheduled for Michael “Blue Bacon” Pierattini’s motion for summary judgement in the case that was brought against him by Jose “Chille” DeCastro.

The lawsuit was originally filed by DeCastro in early 2023 and alleges that Pierattini was part of the “Masshole Troll Mafia” criminal organization that was allegedly devoted to harassing and defaming him.

DeCastro originally brought a version of the lawsuit against Kate Peter and Josh Abrams in 2022 before revising the lawsuit to focus on copyright violations and then refiling his original charges, dropping Abrams from the suit and replacing him with Pierattini, Team Skeptic and Daniel Clement when it was refiled.

As stated many times by DeCastro, the intent of the lawsuit was to drain the defendants of as much money as possible as they defend themselves from his accusations. DeCastro was as vague as possible in his accusations and has refused to actively attempt to move the case forward.

Pierattini’s motion for summary judgment essentially reflects this, as it’s been over a year since DeCastro has filed the charges against Pierattini but hasn’t specified what he is accusing Pierattini of specifically doing or providing any proof that Pierattini was involved in any alleged crimes.

DeCastro has previously refused to sit for depositions in the case or provide discovery, even when ordered to then sanctioned by the court for refusing to participate. His next scheduled deposition date is later this month, provided the Court does not end the lawsuit on the motion for summary judgment later today.

The YouTuber recently hired an attorney to represent him in the lawsuit, which may bring a delay to any ruling as a previous filing has asked for a delay of two months for the attorney to get acquainted with the lawsuit before responding to the motion for summary judgment.

We will provide updates on the outcome of the hearing later today when minutes are posted by the court.

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