Temporary employment seeker and bastion of the Seattle community Glenn Cerio returned to YouTube Monday morning with a video featuring a recorded encounter with a prostitute, a fight with an apparently homeless woman and, of course, Seattle police doing their best to ignore him as they worked a crime scene.
Police were in the process of blocking off the road leading to the entrance of the Marriott Resort off of Aurora Avenue in Shoreline, Washington, when Glenn encountered a woman dressed in lingerie and briefly enquired about her business trade when she asked why he was filming.
Quickly distracted by the lights on police cars parked down the road, Cerio lost interest in the woman excessive display of near nudity as the lights and sirens meant another chance at YouTube stardom.
Glenn again appeared to have significant difficulty with his breathing as he huffed and puffed as he walked. His breathing more audible than his own voice at times, he made his way down the busy street to stumble across the police blocking off the side street near the Marriott.
The YouTuber briefly engaged with a woman who was standing on the street corner, when she couldn’t answer his inquiries and asked him why he was filming, he instantly called the woman a methamphetamine user as he said she had no teeth. He then speedily crossed the street to get away from her.
Down the street, and beyond the police tape, three police officers were standing near a car that appeared to have a clear tarp over it. One of the windows seemed to have aluminum foil on it. Eventually, the police would be seen talking to a tall woman dressed in a short skirt, flamboyant jacket and tall boots.
The job seeker and viewer of ATM money changing activities would be ignored by both police officers and passersby as he sought answers to what was going on down the street. In his frustration, he aggressively began to insult the woman he had accused of being a meth user.
Cerio approached the woman and began shouting over her, making it difficult to hear her responses. The crux of his insults was that the woman was a meth user and “the whole world knows it.” He kept screaming at the woman until she went behind a police car parked along Aurora Avenue and walked off as Glenn was distracted by another driver.
When the police were questioning the woman who had been standing by the car covered in plastic, she now had a dog and walked the dog up the street. The very attractive woman, now displaying her own set of handcuffs, completely ignored Cerio as she went under the police tape and out of his life forever.
Cerio stuck around the scene for a few more minutes as police began cleaning up the crime scene tape and leaving the area. The YouTuber ended his video, much like it had begun, with police and passersby ignoring him as he inquired about what was going on.