Auditing Insanity Newscast March 8-10, 2025

Jose “Chille” DeCastro puts DCW Production on blast! Says he’s a stalker! Says he’s going to have him arrested! Says he’s going to sue him! Says he’s – NOPE! Removes all accusations from livestream and shuts up by the morning hours! What happened to the self-proclaimed “troll slayer” after DCW denied the accusations? Long Island Audit frantically responds to court order! Says it was an “honest mistake” to air footage on his channel that he was never supposed to air! Says he can be trusted! Plus: Lane Myers gets a rare crowd sourcing win! All this and MORE on this edition of Auditing Insanity!

* DeCastro Says YouTuber DCW Production is “Stalker”
* Humiliated DeCastro Removes DCW Production Accusations
* Lane Myers Wins Friday; Craig Hendry Court Updates
* Long Island Audit Responds to Emergency Motion
* AC/DC – Highway to Hell
* Suck it Phil Monday 19 (8PM ET):

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SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes filed his pro se response to an emergency motion to sanction Reyes for airing a deposition of a defendant in his ongoing case against the City of Berwyn, Illinois, on his YouTube channel in defiance of a court order.

In a video posted to his own YouTube channel Sunday night DCW Production responded to accusations made by Jose “Chille” DeCastro of stalking and doxing in a three-hour livestream held earlier on Sunday.

In his most controversial exposé since the last time he wrongly accused someone of major crimes in a paranoid rant on his livestream, Jose “Chille” DeCastro spent Sunday afternoon ranting about the alleged actions of YouTube user DCW Production who apparently was “stalking him.”

Friday saw YouTuber Lane Myers survive another controversial livestream in which he verbally assaulted a Judge handling a hearing involving the YouTuber. By Saturday, Myers had turned his attention back to YouTuber Christopher “Direct D” Ruff, with an convoluted plan to either get sued by or sue Ruff’s production company in order to forcibly takeover Ruff’s YouTube channel.

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