Floyd Wallace Fundraises for Travel Fare to Go to Jail

Floyd Wallace Fundraises for Travel Fare to Go to Jail

In a surprise livestream, Floyd Wallace went live Saturday morning in order to crowd source for the $100.00 he claimed he needed to buy a flight from Texas to Norman, Oklahoma, where he would turn himself in on an outstanding warrant on Monday.

Wallace’s warrant stems from his previously reported missed court date on February 18, 2025. The YouTuber was due to appear in court for a charge of interference with a police officer dating back to the summer of 2023.

After many delays, some intentionally caused by the YouTuber to permit him to have extended sex tours of South America, the case was set for Wallace to take a plea deal at his missed court date. Wallace says he would accept a 30-day sentence to county jail and expected to be out in 10 days for good behavior.

Unusually heavy snow in the Norman, Oklahoma area saw the Courts in Cleveland County closed on February 18, 2025. This is where Wallace’s story gets murky as even though we’ve verified that the Cleveland County courts were indeed closed due to winter weather, Wallace also had explained he had overslept and was not able to travel the 6-hour drive to court.

Wallace’s story got murkier on Saturday as he claimed he needed $100.00 for a flight to Oklahoma, after admitting he only had $200.00 to his name, and then started looking up pricing for options to go to Oklahoma. He displayed no knowledge of his options to get to Oklahoma… as if he was doing the searches for the first time.

On Saturday, Wallace claimed that he had worked out a deal with his attorney to report to the attorney’s office at 2PM on Monday in Norman, Oklahoma, then they would go to the Sherrif’s department to turn himself in for the outstanding warrant. Ideally, he would accept the plea deal at the same time and go directly to jail for his ten days.

It is unclear, however, how his warrant will actually impact his case as he openly admitted that he did not call the sheriff’s office or court on the 18th and assumed that he would be sent a new court date because the court was closed.

The YouTuber also said he was afraid of an Oklahoma law that turned a warrant for failing to show up for a court hearing into a felony charge after 30 days of avoiding law enforcement. The law would add a felony charge to Wallace’s record, and he could face up to two years in prison and up to a $5,000.00 fine if convicted.

When asked about former mentor Jose “Chille” DeCastro and possibly getting DeCastro to fundraise on his behalf, Wallace said that he had screwed up that friendship and that he and DeCastro no longer talk. He said he had a lot of regrets, and he had “messed up” things.

Wallace eventually raised the $100.00 he was seeking for his transportation fees. He also claimed that he would soon be living with a cousin who was getting him a job working at a factory at a place that did not require background checks. He also claimed that he’d eventually be moving back to Nebraska to find work before resuming his sex tourism lifestyle.

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