Floyd Wallace Rage Quits Over Lack of Donations
Floyd Wallace ended his Sunday livestream the same way he typically ends his livestreams these days, with a failure to make any money and a rage quit after his chat was being mean to him again.
Floyd Wallace ended his Sunday livestream the same way he typically ends his livestreams these days, with a failure to make any money and a rage quit after his chat was being mean to him again.
The GoFundMe market cooled over the weekend as Zachary “Liberty Troll” Kueker’s “Support the Fight for Our Constitutional Rights” fund unparalleled streak of daily donations, powered by SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes, came to an end.
He’s a week late, but there’s still room for that man with the bag!
Chille DeCastro wants to lead you to victory after Donald Trump destroys the country! Says he’ll use the mayor’s office when he’s running for governor to… something? Speaks for 4 and a half hours and no one cares! Glenn Cerio waddles the streets of Seattle, again! Insults police officers! Refuses to give family privacy as their deceased family member is taken away by the coroner’s office! Long Island Audit pays his fines in quarters and dimes! Oh, that sly dog! Plus: Who won December’s GoFundMe title? Hint: it wasn’t us! Boooo! All this and more on this edition of Auditing Insanity!
Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s first attempt to livestream in the new year went about as well as you’d expect it to, with DeCastro declaring martial law was coming with the in-coming Trump administration and a promise (slightly kind of) that he’d be there to pick up the pieces when things went wrong for America.
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