DeCastro Suffers Shipping Snafu

Jose “Chille” DeCastro started his Thursday live stream holding a large box of product that he said was denied by the post office earlier in the day because he no longer resided at the shipping address listed on the packages.

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Kate Peter Verdict Brings Mixed Reactions

In the usual mix of madness out of Massachusetts, we have compiled some of the reactions to Kate Peter being found guilty of a probation violation and receiving 30 days of community service and 3 more months of probation.

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Market Dead as YouTube Weirdness Continues

It was back to normal for the market on Thursday as our own hate watcher was the only donation for the day for the entire market, giving us a chance to explore comments made about drops in revenue made by Jose “Chille” DeCastro earlier in this week.

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Gotcha! Fans Love Irish Demon’s New Mandy Troll!

After a message purporting to be an account of Irish Demon arriving on Miss Mandy’s front yard began to circulate on Thursday, Irish Demon went live from his home in Ireland to reveal that he had never been in North Carolina, and it was all a prank to make Mandy look foolish.

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Long Island Audit Makes Fashion Statement with Protest

Continuing his one-man protest to raise money for his various personal endeavors, SeanPaul “Long Island Audit” Reyes proudly walked through the neighborhood where Nassau Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder lives wearing black and wearing a face mask concealing his identity.

Direct D Confirms Doxing by Lane Myers

Friday morning saw a scary moment for viewers of Christopher “Direct D” Ruff’s Christopher Ruff channel as a business partner of Ruff’s was featured on his late-night live stream claiming that someone had poisoned his dogs and one of his dogs was dying in front of him.

Glenn Cerio Challenges Deputy to Mutual Combat

American activist and snappy dresser Glenn Cerio returned to YouTube Thursday with a new video released to YouTube featuring the first amendment auditor challenging a Snohomish County sheriff to “mutual combat” at the Mukilteo Speedway Center in Mukilteo, Washington.

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