DeCastro Calls Out WNN’s Daniel Jones
Fans of Jose “Chille” DeCastro were surprised on Tuesday ended his live stream with an acknowledgement of legal troubles of his “biggest trolls” Daniel Jones of the Welsh News Network, and Frauditor Reaper.
Fans of Jose “Chille” DeCastro were surprised on Tuesday ended his live stream with an acknowledgement of legal troubles of his “biggest trolls” Daniel Jones of the Welsh News Network, and Frauditor Reaper.
Christopher “Denver Metro Audits” Cordova (DMA) walked out of his allotted time during the public feedback period o the Englewood City Council Meeting Monday night in dramatic fashion after only reading a few seconds of prepared comment.
Regan Benson updated the condition of Robert, a homeless man she saved from freezing to death in Englewood Colorado earlier this year, on her new live stream Tuesday afternoon.
Tuesday’s GoFundMe race ended in the same way it does most days, with our own Ongoing Expenses fund winning the day and not a dime going to any of the multiple campaigns associated with Jose “Chille” DeCastro. Leaving one to wonder if DeCastro would have been better off financially if he had been convicted of recent charges.
ReallyCoolMusic is out digging on Postmodern Jukebox ft. Kyndle Wylde!
Icons. Veruca Salt (Julie Dawn Cole) reminds us that sometimes there’s just bad eggs in the world.
In a bizarre video partially pre-recorded on Sunday night after the big game, then followed by an additional live edition Monday morning, Jose “Chille” DeCastro announced that he would be financially insolvent should his “Constitutional Law Scholar” game fail to sell.
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