DeCastro Appears on Homeless Romantic

Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s Friday appearance on the Homeless Romantic podcast left his fans amazed and his foes frazzled as he stuck to old stories, tales of his time in jail, false claims and, of course, his non-stop telling of “Chillefied” versions of historical events.

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News Round Up, September 1, 2024

We’ve come to the dreaded News Round Up portion of the broadcast as it is Labor Day Weekend and most of the auditors we follow have gone dark and we have a lot of bits and pieces of stories to cover that might not have enough information for a dedicated story of their own.

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GoFundMe: Winners for August Revealed

If you’ve been following this column, it should be no surprise to you who ultimately won the month, BUT FIRST, there was a surprise winner for the last day of the month as Christopher “Direct D” Ruff salvaged his take for the entire month with a $100.00 last minute donation.

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Wallace Spills Tea on American Women

YouTuber Floyd Wallace went live for the third consecutive day on Wednesday, sharing his feelings on American woman and making a plea for his viewers to pay his penalties for a Texas conviction so he can return to his life of sex tourism.

New Prosecutor Announced in Karen Read Case

Norfolk County District Attorney Michael Morrissey announced on Wednesday that Hank Brennan has been appointed as a special assistant district attorney who has been assigned to take over the Karen Read murder case.

Chille DeCastro to Start New Channel?

A lot has been made about Jose “Chille” DeCastro’s claim on Wednesday that “they” killed his channel and that he had no chance but to start a new channel; the announcement itself had no impact on the market at all with our own on-going expenses fund winning the day with a $10.00 take and absolutely nothing going to DeCastro’s coffers.

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